Ecto Handplanes Now Available via THE ICONIC

Christmas is coming!
Ecto Handplanes is now available via THE ICONIC - One of Australia's best online fashion, sports and accessories stores. We're proud to be working with THE ICONIC to bring bodysurfing handplanes as many people as possible through their extensive online platform. Our handplanes make for an awesome Christmas gift. All our range in the Ecto Bodysurfing Handplane Glass 11" and Ecto Bodysurfing Handplane Wood 11" are available!
"As the leading online fashion and sports retailer in Australia and New Zealand, we are here to define the future of retail. We are a bunch of style-savvy, creative, and forward-thinking individuals with a dream to create a better shopping experience for you; maybe one you haven't even imagined yet... we are not afraid to supersede the status quo and innovate at THE ICONIC" - THE ICONIC